At Calvary Baptist Church, when we answer the call and employ our gifts in the ministries of the church, God’s work gets done, the church is strengthened and the world is served.
Purpose: To enhance the Worship Service through various styles of music.
What we do: Sing for Sunday Services, accompany our Pastor on visits to other churches, and plan holiday music programs. The ministry also sings for special services, and collaborates with the Fine Arts Ministry.
When we meet:
All rehearsals are at Calvary
Men’s Ensemble – Tuesdays from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Sisters of Praise - Saturdays 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Who can join: Any church member who loves to worship God through song. Potential members must audition for the director (musician). Members must commit to weekly rehearsals and adhere to the rules of the choir.
Children ages 5-12 years old may sing in the Children’s Choir.

Purpose: To enhance the worship service and take the various art forms we use into the community to spread the word of Christ.
What we do: Present praise offerings in the form of drama, spoken word, dancing and visual arts. In each group we take time to study a Bible scripture that relates to the event we are ministering to. We also minister in the community at different functions.
Who can join: Anyone who is a member of Calvary is welcomed to join any of the Fine Arts Ministry groups. We believe that people who are gifted in these areas will thrive and grow because we emphasize ministering to others and not performing.
This growing ministry is led by Mrs. Chandra Burns and Deacon Reginald Riley. Calvary Kids is comprised of Children’s Church (Every 2nd and 4th Sunday). Calvary Kids strive to sponsor age appropriate, spiritual building, and fun Christian activities. All children and youth are welcome to participate.

The Calvary Men’s Ministry seeks to develop and implement programs, studies, and fellowship opportunities. The purpose of this ministry is to help foster a desire in men to serve God, minister to their families, and serve the community as God outlines in His Word. This ministry is led by Deacon Kenneth Bynum. All men are welcome to participate.

The Calvary Women’s Ministry is led by First Lady Lorrie Walton and an executive team. The team plans and lead the women of Calvary in Bible studies, and other fellowship opportunities designed to educate and encourage women to be who God is calling them to be. All Women are welcome to join.

Purpose: To provide health awareness information and health screenings to the Calvary congregation and the surrounding under-served community. We work with medical and health agencies to introduce new and updated health initiatives. New programs are introduced that focus on transforming the community to maintain healthy lifestyles. We educate the church and community in our surrounding area regarding chronic diseases and ailments. Updated information and resources are brought to the neighboring community and church members.
What we do: An annual Health Fair is held for the community. Information is provided to the congregation and community monthly regarding health matters. Speakers educate members and the community about various health subjects at intervals throughout the year.
Who can join: Any adult member of Calvary, preferably someone who has some medical or community aide background.

The E-5 Ministry of Calvary is made up of Deacons, Deaconesses, and Ministerial Staff at Calvary. These ministries work together, to fully support the pastoral ministry of the church through congregational care, teaching, and outreach services. This ministry also represents kingdom collaboration to develop and encourage kingdom discipleship in every member of the church.