2959 N Teutonia Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53206

(414) 372-1450
Dear Members of Calvary,
April and May are times of promise for places like Milwaukee, Wisconsin. God has blessed us to come through another winter. People are at the stores buying mulch, landscape stones, topsoil, plants, trees, yard tools, lawnmowers, and much, much more. We make investments to make sure our plants, trees, and grass grows well and beautiful.
This is also a time when we should “tool-up” our understanding of the scriptures. After the Resurrection of our Savior, the church began to grow. As plant life grows, may our spirits grow more in the knowledge of the Savior, through the Holy Spirit.

Anyone with a garden or yard knows that weeds must be kept at bay. They cannot be eliminated, but they must be controlled. We have “spirit weeds.” Spirit weeds try to look like what we planted, and they come close, but they are not! Unless we daily weed out our spirits through the Word of God, prayer, study and worship, these weeds will take away from the life we want to live as Christ’s disciples. But, thank God! We know how to weed out! We know how to fertilize. We know how to care for ourselves as Christ’s disciples. It is just up to us to do it!
During these months, please don’t let the “spirit weeds” take over your spirit. May all of us do what we know is needed to maintain the spiritual garden we have the privilege of caring for in Jesus’ Name! We worship at 9:30 each Sunday. Youth and Children gather at the same time on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Stay tuned for Bible Study announcements.

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Calvary Baptist Church

We are a church that believes in Jesus & loves God and people

We are a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. We have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established in the city of Milwaukee and beyond.
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April 2024 Focus: No More Manna 2.0:  Living a Transformed Life through the Power of the Resurrection

Click below to read a prayer each day of the week in April!

Dear Father In Heaven,

Thank You for allowing us to see another Sunday, to have the opportunity to worship You and express our love for You in corporate worship as a church family.  Thank You for the resurrected life that You offer us each morning due to the love and obedience of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on the cross.  As we begin a new week, create in us a clean heart and renew within each of us a steadfast spirit. Forgive us for our sins against You in thought, word, and action from the past week.  Help us to start this week in the right spirit and on the right path. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

Oh Elohim (God),

We understand that it only through You, our Creator, Father, Redeemer, and Sustainer that we can live and operate in a way that will please and honor You. You, are Jehovah Raah, Our Lord Our Shepherd.  Through the death and resurrection of Christ, you lay us in the green pastures of unfailing and never ending love.  Resurrect Your Word in our hearts each day, especially when we are down, depressed, worried, or leaning to our own understanding. Restore our souls to the joy of Your salvation as we move through this world so filled with sadness, madness, and despair.   Allow our “new normal” in You to recalibrate the way we talk, walk, and act so we may be fruitful and effective witnesses for the building up of Your Kingdom here on Earth.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Dear Lord our God,

How excellent is Your Name in all the earth!  You are so good and gracious to us.  We confess there are times when we don’t express or acknowledge our gratitude to You.  We get caught up in our thoughts, wants, needs, and life situations.  Often, our prayer lives grow stale with lists of what think we need or what we want.  In those times, allow Your Blessed Holy Spirit to lead us to the scriptures, because they give us life when pride, death and defeat threaten to cloud our thoughts. Your Word reminds us that we have been delivered from our old ways of thinking and coping with life.  It renews us day by day.  Let Your Word remind us that we are not what we once were but are new creatures, resurrected through the blood of the Lamb.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen.   

Abba Father, 

First, we come to You and say thank You for being our Father, who loves us and takes are of us.  We praise and glorify You because You never grow tired of us, never leave us, never deny us, but continue to love us no matter what.  As we pursue the dreams of success and come up against the pressures of society to conform to the patterns of this world, let us be transformed by the renewing of our minds and rest in the joy of living as children of the most high God, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  Through this daily transformation, allow us to embrace the call we have on our lives to be holy and because You our Father are holy.  Allow us in every decision we make and action we take to honor and give You glory.  In the matchless name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Dear God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Thank You for revealing Your Great Love by sending Your Son to die for our sins and Your Power through the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ. That Great Power and Love of Yours gifts us as Your children with a renewed energy, and renewed hope for life and for service.  Your Love and Power raised Christ from the dead and each day that we rise, we are raised from the weight and oppression of sin, guilt and shame. Thank You for new life and new opportunities each day to share Who You Are and What You have done for us.  We love You and Praise Your Name!  Thank You for loving us so much no matter what.   In Jesus name, Amen.

O Great Jehovah Jireh, Our Provider,

There is so much to be concerned about in this world. Everyday, we hear about another tragedy or what has gone wrong.  When we are about to get discouraged help us see things as You see them.  Help us to do what You have us to do no matter what we think or feel.   Give us the courage and tenacity to fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” Grant our Pastor, Deacon and Associate Minister Ministry as well as Ministry Leaders and membership a bigger vision of You and of who You are calling us to be, so we can live and serve the 53206 community with an expectant hope.  In Jesus name, we pray Amen.

El Shaddai, Our Lord God Almighty,

We lift our voices in praise and adoration to You.  You deal with us in such compassionate ways. We pray now that You would renew our youth like the eagle’s, that we would have the faith of children and the wisdom of Solomon. We pray that You would change us.   Please guide our hearts, and help us to grow into the church You want us to be. Instead of following own ways or what we think, please purify our hearts and make us more like You. Empower Calvary Baptist Church to make the spiritual transformation inside the church and outside in the community  Fill each of us with Christ confidence and courage to embrace what You are calling us as Your church to do.  Give us clear direction through obedience to Your Word and Holy Spirit and remind us that our lives are meant to lead other to You. Let us remain humble and focused on being a beacon of light in this dark sinful world that points to Christ. Amen, Amen, and Amen.

Click here for April scriptures.


Calvary Baptist Church Goal

When we receive a word from God as Jesus did from His Father, whether we agree with it or not, it tells us God loves us and He cares. Revelations like these often come during high mountaintop spiritual times when we are yielded to receive an unusual word from God and they must be protected because the evil one wants to dislodge it from our minds and hearts."
Reverend Dr. John WaltonPastor

Contact / Location

Contact info

(414) 372-1450
2959 N Teutonia Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53206

Gathering Times

Sunday School: Sundays 8:15am

Worship Service: Sundays 9:30am

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