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We are a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people.

We have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and
on mission to see God’s kingdom established in the city of Milwaukee and beyond.


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A Message of Hope and Faith from Pastor Walton



Dear Members of Calvary,

April and May are times of promise for places like Milwaukee, Wisconsin. God has blessed us to come through another winter. People are at the stores buying mulch, landscape stones, topsoil, plants, trees, yard tools, lawnmowers, and much, much more. We make investments to make sure our plants, trees, and grass grows well and beautiful.

This is also a time when we should “tool-up” our understanding of the scriptures. After the Resurrection of our Savior, the church began to grow. As plant life grows, may our spirits grow more in the knowledge of the Savior, through the Holy Spirit.

Anyone with a garden or yard knows that weeds must be kept at bay. They cannot be eliminated, but they must be controlled. We have “spirit weeds.” Spirit weeds try to look like what we planted, and they come close, but they are not! Unless we daily weed out our spirits through the Word of God, prayer, study and worship, these weeds will take away from the life we want to live as Christ’s disciples. But, thank God! We know how to weed out! We know how to fertilize. We know how to care for ourselves as Christ’s disciples. It is just up to us to do it!

During these months, please don’t let the “spirit weeds” take over your spirit. May all of us do what we know is needed to maintain the spiritual garden we have the privilege of caring for in Jesus’ Name! We worship at 9:30 each Sunday. Youth and Children gather at the same time on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Stay tuned for Bible Study announcements.

Reverend Dr. John Richard Walton, Jr.

The Reverend Doctor John Richard Walton, Jr. is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, and has served as the senior pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church of Milwaukee for the last 22 years. Pastor Walton is well-respected and sought after as preacher, pastor to pastors, lecturer, and spiritual, biblical, and academic authority in the training and discipleship of deacons and church leadership.


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  • Dear Lord our God, 
    We praise and glorify You for who You are and who You have called us to be in our homes, in our jobs, our relationships, in our church, and in the 53206 community.  Heavenly Father, quicken our spirits on this first day of the week,  to recognize, honor, and obey the movement of Your Holy Spirit in our lives no matter the circumstances.    Lord, give us an insatiable thirst for Your Word and show us plainly how to sow seeds of faith, obedience, and love for the building up of Your kingdom in every place we are called to serve inside and outside of the church.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

  • Dear Lord, Our Good Shepherd,
    Thank You that You always know what is best for us.  You know everything about us, more than we know about ourselves.  You are such a mighty God!  As you restore our souls each day and provide for us each day, we desire to experience a fresh movement of Your Spirit each time our spirits become dull and dry spirits from the battles of everyday life.   Breath, upon us, O breath of God! Come, Holy Spirit, come with rejuvenating power! Spirit of the Living God, work in our hearts, minds and souls and do what You alone can do!  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

  • Dear God, El Roi,

    You are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Bright and Morning Star.  Today and everyday, we need and desire to follow You like a compass.  You are our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical GPS.  Without You, we can do nothing but with You all things are possible.   Order our hearts and minds to think holy thoughts and  contemplate things that are above and not beneath.  Order our steps to go where You would have us to go and our eyes to see what You would have us to see.   Order our tongue to speak so that we will sow seeds of love and not hate, joy and not sorrow, encouragement and not bitterness or doubt.  We ask this so that You can get the glory and honor and that our souls and the souls of those we encounter might come to know You better.  In the precious name of Jesus we pray, Amen. 

  • Dear Abba, Father.

    Lord, we thank You that we can come to You at any time and in any circumstance. At times, the middle of the week is tough.  Our human bodies and minds are tired and worn from daily battles and life choices, from the work and play of life.  In those times, we can be so consumed with our own stories that we forget that we are part of a bigger story, Your story.  We forget that we are part of a greater work, Your work.  Lord, it is at those times that we stand in the need of the refueling that only You can bring.  Fill our vessels with Your deep and infiltrating Spirit to invigorate our minds, bodies, and souls, so we can fit and be beneficial for the work of servant leadership for Your glory.  In our savior’s name, Amen.

  • Blessed Father,
    We need Your Divine Grace at the beginning of the day, throughout the middle of the day, and at the end of the day.  Due to our human flaws and failings, there is no place for us to rest in a careless lukewarm attitude about our relationship with You or how we live our lives.  We know that we receive Your Holy Spirit when we accept Jesus as our Savior.  But through prayer and living by faith and not by sight, we seek to receive more of Your Spirit fortifying our faith and increasing our blessings so that we may be a blessing to others.  Come, O Lord, with Your amazing Holy Spirit.  We welcome Your Spirit into our hearts and minds, into our homes and workspaces, and in every ministry of our church.  In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.

  • Gracious Heavenly Father, 
    We are so blessed and fortunate to have a God whose ear is not closed to our wants, needs, worries, and concerns. Thank You that You not only love us but also care for us. As we mature and grow in You, we desire for our wants, needs and desires to be molded and changed to be more in alignment with Your interests and desires for us and those we serve.  Fill our cup, Lord, until it overflows that we may have the strength and determination to do all that we are called to do and be all that we are called to be as Your children and Your church.  In Jesus' name we pray and ask it all, Amen.

  • Guide us today O Great Jehovah,

    Feed us till we want no more.  Feed us our spiritual nutrients through Your Holy Spirit,  Your Word, through our time with You in prayer, meditation and worship so we may be encouraged and encourage each other in our daily lives as we walk through this fallen world witness to souls about You. In the times in which we live and the culture that we are part of, we encounter dream killers and those who wish to discourage us in our faith walk.  Lord restore those who discourage and those who get discouraged.  Restore joy where there is heartache, peace where there is turmoil, and abundance where there is lack.  We praise and magnify Your name that You are performing miracles and healing minds and bodies everyday.  Let us go out into the world being led by Your Holy Spirit to make what Your miracle working power can do in their lives.  In His name we pray, Amen.


May 2024 Focus:
No More Manna 2.0: Praying for a Fresh
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for Everyday Living

Click here for daily May scriptures.

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